"we've externalized a lot of parameter values into properties file and use Spring's PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in our xml"

this is what i am trying to do, unfortunately using xbean <broker> tags, the spring placeholder are ignored. i want to run multiple "embedded" brokers with tomcat using different ports for each instance. could you post your broker configuration with the spring property placeholders?

Ozan is correct, that wiki page is in error; "activemq-admin create " does the simple job of copying basic config files for a new instance.

When i ran it against my installation, which includes a number of additional config files for families of Camel Routes, and a custom properties file (because we've externalized a lot of parameter values into properties file and use Spring's PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in our xml), it isn't very useful - it doesn't copy the entire contents of <$ACTIVEMQ_HOME>/conf, so our custom config files would need to be pulled in manually.

For me, it's actually easier to do a filesystem copy of the entire AMQ tree and hand-edit the ports in our properties files.

Also, note that when "activemq-admin create" copies the xml files, it encodes the ">" wildcard character as "&gt;". This doesn't appear to cause any runtime problems.

*Joe Niski*
Senior Developer - Information Services  |  NWEA™

PHONE 503.548.5207 | FAX 503.639.7873

NWEA.ORG <http://www.nwea.org/> | Partnering to help all kids learn™

On 08/22/2011 08:19 AM, oseymen wrote:
Can you try activemq-admin instead of activemq? I.e. "bin\activemq-admin
create instance1"?


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