
I wish to use temp topics (or queues) in a network of brokers

At the most basic level this works fine:

I subscribe to /temp-topic/foo in my stomp client.
I send a message with that in the reply-to header

On the remote I see reply to translated into 
and that all works fine.

Immediately after though all the brokers on my network gets completely
flooded with advisories on ActiveMQ.Advisory.TempQueue:

for example:

{"DestinationInfo": {
  "commandId": 0,
  "responseRequired": false,
  "connectionId": {
    "value": "ID:monitor2.xx.net-53069-1321036534768-16:2"
  "destination": {
    "@class": "ActiveMQTempQueue",
    "string": "ID:monitor2.xx.net-53069-1321036534768-5:33:2",
    "null": {}
  "operationType": 1,
  "timeout": 0

My brokers are a->b->c so I have a TTL of 2 on the network connections.

Can anyone provide any hints on what I might do to improve the situation with
temp queues or topics on networks of brokers?



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