
I have debugged your unit test today and the reason for not getting an 
authorization exception in test 
accessToProtectedTopicWithWildcardsDestinationAsUserShouldFail() is that the 
AuthorizationBroker appends the security roles of all of the sub nodes in its 
authorization configuration.

You have entries for "messages.>" as well as "messages.cat1" and "messages.cat" 
in your authorization config. 
Because of the wildcard in "messages.>" it appends the group names of all sub 
nodes. From the entry "messages.cat1" it also adds the "users" groups. 

This is a bug IMHO. Although I believe there must be some reason for adding the 
authorization groups of sub nodes in the brokers authorization plugin at 
Do you mind raising a JIRA ticket and attaching your JUnit test?


Torsten Mielke

On Nov 12, 2011, at 7:29 PM, Thorsten Panitz wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working for 6 month with ActiveMQ so this could be a misconfiguration on 
> my side. Here is the problem.
> We are using the default authentication/authorization system as described in 
> http://activemq.apache.org/security.html#Security-Authorization with the 
> following configuration:
> <plugins>
>    <simpleAuthenticationPlugin>
>        <users>
>            <authenticationUser
>                  username="admin"
>                  password="admin"
>                  groups="admins"/>
>            <authenticationUser
>                  username="user"
>                  password="user"
>                  groups="users"/>
>        </users>
>    </simpleAuthenticationPlugin>
>    <authorizationPlugin>
>        <map>
>            <authorizationMap>
>                <authorizationEntries>
>                    <authorizationEntry topic="messages.>"
>                                        read="admins"
>                                        write="admins"
>                                        admin="admins"/>
>                    <authorizationEntry topic="messages.cat2"
>                                        read="admins"
>                                        write="admins"
>                                        admin="admins"/>
>                    <authorizationEntry topic="messages.cat1"
>                                        read="admins, users"
>                                        write="admins, users"
>                                        admin="admins, users"/>
>                    <authorizationEntry topic="ActiveMQ.Advisory.>"
>                                        read="admins, users"
>                                        write="admins, users"
>                                        admin="admins, users"/>
>                </authorizationEntries>
>            </authorizationMap>
>        </map>
>    </authorizationPlugin>
> </plugins>
> As exepected, clients connecting as "user" to the topic "messages.cat2" get 
> an exception ("User user is not authorized to read from: 
> topic://messages.cat2"). Suprisingly "user" can receive messages from topic 
> "messages.cat2" if he creates a consumer with the destination "messages.>":
> <code>
> final Destination destination = new ActiveMQTopic("messages.>");
> final Connection conn = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("user", "user",
>    BROKER_URL).createConnection();
> final Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
> final MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(destination);
> conn.start();
> closure.run();
> final Message message = consumer.receive(TIMEOUT);
> session.close();
> conn.close();
> </code>
> IMHO this behaviour is a security problem as an unprivileged user can receive 
> messages from a protected topic or queue!
> I've attached a maven project with JUnit tests showing the problem.
> Environment:
> OS: Mac OS X 10.6.8
> JRE/JDK: 1.6.0_29
> ActiveMQ: 5.5.0
> Thanks for your help!
> Regards,
>   Thorsten
> <ActiveMQAuthorizationTestProject.zip>

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