
I have ActiveMQ integrated in an embedded scenario whereby the Broker and ActiveMQ configuration is created programmatically in Java.

Since I am not intending to queue data over a network, for performance reasons, I am using the URL "vm://appname" in place of localhost when creating the broker.

brokerService = new BrokerService();)

The queuing works perfectly, though I am having difficulty obtaining the QueueViewMBean instance for the purposes of retrieving the current queue size.

JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1199/jmxrmi"); // what value for this URL?

It is unclear to me what URL must be used for the JMXServiceURL in the scenario where vm://appname is used (i.e. equivalent of "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1199/jmxrmi"). Alternatively, perhaps there is another way to obtain the QueueViewMBean instance. I am not planning on connecting to any remote vm's. I simply need to use the QueueViewMBean in the same virtual machine as where the brokerService object is created.

Thanks in advance for your advice.



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