Has anyone responded to this article written by Mark Richards about
AMQP and JMS (includes ActiveMQ)?


"This means that message clients using AMQP are completely agnostic as
to which AMQP clients API or
AMQP message broker you are using."   -- I remember hearing something
like that about Java -- Write once, run everywhere -- which was a lie.

Or, "While it is true vendors such as SonicMQ, ActiveMQ, and HornetQ
provide some level of cross platform interoperability, they do so
through proprietary protocols, APIs, and client libraries.   ..."   My
thought is -- is this really true?   I thought all of ActiveMQ is open
source via Apache, thus it should be another standard that should be a
louder standard than AMQP.

Last, how different is openwire protocol from the AMQP protocol?

Can anyone respond to these issues, or point me to articles that
address these from the ActiveMQ point of view?

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