
I'm using AMQ 5.8 and ActiveMQConnectionFactory uses this transport connection


broker1 , broker2 and broker3 are remote servers
And , as you can see, broker2 and broker3 have got wrong ports  ( both
should be 61616 )

When I use this ActiveMQConnectionFactory to create a consumer and
subscribe it to a topic ,
I see that connection to broker1:61616 is successfully established but
wait 30 seconds to complete the subscription ( by consumer )

And if  use this ActiveMQConnectionFactory to creare a producer and
send a message to a topic I see that connection to broker1:61616 is
successfully established but wait 30 seconds to complete the sent

If I set the ports correctly again, all works fine and there isn't any 30s delay

If I set priorityBackup=false, all works fine and there isn't any 30s delay

why ?
did I forget any timeout ?
why does priorityBackup=true interrupt subscription & sent operations ?

Thanks and regards

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