It's possible.  Although, I didn't see any prefetch=0 use in your configs
(could be I didn't look hard enough since I didn't suspect it).  Prefetch=0
uses different code paths for delivery of messages to clients - clients must
poll the server, and the server synchronously returns a message, with
prefetch=0.  Without prefetch=0, the server pushes a number of messages
asynchronously to the client, up the the prefetch value, and then waits
until acknowledgements bring down the prefetch queue size before pushing

One more question for you - when the solution works, does that include or
exclude the outbound bridge?  I'm confused on that front because of the
statement that the outbound bridge never worked together with the statement
that the solution works with the change in network configuration.

In order to diagnose an issue like this, some clarity in terms of "what does
ActiveMQ do that is unexpected?" or "what doesn't ActiveMQ do that is
expected" is needed - at the level of the API interactions.  Since the
bridge is "in a way" internal to ActiveMQ, it may seem tricky, but it is
possible to think of the bridge as separate - and even run it in a separate

At this point, it sounds like your efforts to track down the problem are
moving in the right direction.  If I were working on it, I would be looking
to enable debug logging, add log statements, grab stack traces at the time
the problem is observed, and other means of getting more details which
explain the lack of expected message flow.

Also consider that the exact same broker topology working with only a change
to the network sounds like an issue outside of ActiveMQ rather than one
inside, although there are possibilities inside the broker - especially race

Hope this helps.

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