I’m trying to track down performance issues for our broker.

I wrote a quick stopwatch around sending messages and it’s taking 2-6
seconds to send requests to ActiveMQ.

I have NO idea why this could be because I have reasonable CPU on this box
and what could be happening.  Our broker runs out of memory, no disk is
involved, plenty of CPU and network, etc.

It would be nice if we had more tracing support in ActiveMQ.

If you’ve ever used Cassandra’s tracing support you’ll know what I’m
talking about

ALA dapper-style tracing.


Essentially it would track each step that could potentially take time and
print them out as they happen.

Maybe one way this could be accomplished is to send messages to a dedicated
queue for each trace attempt?

Either that or log the trace in the log file.

This would NOT be log4j tracing.. which are just log lines.  This would be
a list of events and timings.

Maybe this would be better to add to ActiveMQ 6.0 though.. but I guess we
can figure it out as time goes by.



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