Oh.. nice.  well I didn’t see that.

I ended up implementing something with advisories to trace message flow.
It’s actually interesting as that you can just connect to a broker and
trace message flow.

We might want to open source it at some point.

On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 6:40 AM, Gary Tully <gary.tu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> have you run with trace=true on the transport urls. this will log4j
> trace each openwire command on a per connection logger so that you can
> at least identify the actual command that is taking time.
> connection creation. producer creation, message send etc.
> On 30 May 2015 at 00:06, Kevin Burton <bur...@spinn3r.com> wrote:
> > I’m trying to track down performance issues for our broker.
> >
> > I wrote a quick stopwatch around sending messages and it’s taking 2-6
> > seconds to send requests to ActiveMQ.
> >
> > I have NO idea why this could be because I have reasonable CPU on this
> box
> > and what could be happening.  Our broker runs out of memory, no disk is
> > involved, plenty of CPU and network, etc.
> >
> > It would be nice if we had more tracing support in ActiveMQ.
> >
> > If you’ve ever used Cassandra’s tracing support you’ll know what I’m
> > talking about
> >
> > ALA dapper-style tracing.
> >
> > http://research.google.com/pubs/pub36356.html
> >
> > Essentially it would track each step that could potentially take time and
> > print them out as they happen.
> >
> > Maybe one way this could be accomplished is to send messages to a
> dedicated
> > queue for each trace attempt?
> >
> > Either that or log the trace in the log file.
> >
> > This would NOT be log4j tracing.. which are just log lines.  This would
> be
> > a list of events and timings.
> >
> > Maybe this would be better to add to ActiveMQ 6.0 though.. but I guess we
> > can figure it out as time goes by.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> >
> > --
> >
> > Founder/CEO Spinn3r.com
> > Location: *San Francisco, CA*
> > blog: http://burtonator.wordpress.com
> > … or check out my Google+ profile
> > <https://plus.google.com/102718274791889610666/posts>


Founder/CEO Spinn3r.com
Location: *San Francisco, CA*
blog: http://burtonator.wordpress.com
… or check out my Google+ profile

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