I think most of what's configured in a destinationPolicy is taken care of by 
address-settings, and security-settings takes care of a lot of what 
authorizationPlugin does.  There will probably be details here and there that 
need clarification so don't hesitate to ask specific questions.

You mentioned the examples directory.  It contains the best collection of 
running configs I know of (including clustered configs).

Regarding mcollective...I know it has connectors for ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ, but 
I'm not sure it's been vetted with Artemis.  I'd love to hear how it works for 
you and what issues you run into.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Wood" <christopher_w...@pobox.com>
To: users@activemq.apache.org
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2016 8:10:04 AM
Subject: sample running artemis configs

I've been digging into the artemis docs and example broker.xml in the binary 
distribution. So far I think I understand most of what I would do to migrate 
from activemq to artemis.

I'm not entirely clear on what would replace the activemq destinationPolicy, 
though. Or other elements like authorizationPlugin. A hint here would be very 

Also, do any of you know of sample running configs anywhere? The examples 
directory is good but I think seeing how people have clustered their setups 
might help me as well. I would have brokers clustered together with mcollective 
using them for stomp.

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