For no obvious reason, actually...

At first I did not have these parameters, neither on broker1 nor on broker2;
however, upon starting broker1 first, I noticed this line:

JMX consoles can connect to
service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi | | JMX connector

So, I assumed (I know, assumption is the mother of all ehrm... ) there would
be one "overall" process that would kind of redirect connections to the
"real" process, acting like a kind of proxy so to say.

As you can see, broker1 has the same configuration, with port 1099 whereas
port 11099 is the port in the environment file;
I'll remove both parameters in the activemq.xml 

So, broker1 now has this managementContext:
            <managementContext createConnector="true"

and broker2 now has this managementContext:
            <managementContext createConnector="true"

Broker1 reports:
JMX consoles can connect to

And broker2:
Failed to start JMX connector Cannot bind to URL
[rmi://localhost:1099/jmxrmi]: javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException:
jmxrmi [Root exception is java.rmi.AlreadyBoundException: jmxrmi]. Will
restart management to re-create JMX connector, trying to remedy this issue.

And, naturally it doesn't connect to the mbean server.

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