Sounds like a bug (both the -1000 initial value and the fact that it
appears to be double-counting); can you submit a bug report in JIRA?

On Nov 5, 2016 3:58 PM, "Patrick Vansevenant" <>

> There could only be 500 topic messages be consumed with the AMQP Qpid
> client with ActiveMQ 5.14.1.
> We get the following situation (subscriber info) at the moment a subscriber
> connects with the Qpid client.
> The Inflight value becomes -1000 what is very strange.
> Pending Queue Size  | Inflight | Enqueued | Dequeued | Prefetch
> 0     | -1000    | 0            | 0               | 0
> We get the following situation when one topic message is published.
> The Inflight value increased with 2.
> Pending Queue Size  | Inflight | Enqueued | Dequeued | Prefetch
> 0                              | -998     | 1            | 1     | 0
> We get the following situation when 500 topic messages are published.
> The Inflight value is now 0 and the 500 messages are consumed.
> Pending Queue Size  | Inflight | Enqueued | Dequeued | Prefetch
> 0                              | 0        | 500           | 500          |
> 0
> At the moment message 501 is published increases the "Pending Queue Size"
> and
> as the messages "Enqueued" as well. The "Dequeued" messages remains 500 and
> message 501
> can't be consumed by the subscriber !!!
> Pending Queue Size  | Inflight | Enqueued | Dequeued | Prefetch
> 1                             | 0          | 501          | 500         | 0
> Do somebody know what happens ?  Do I something wrong or is it a real bug ?
> Patrick
> --
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