Using JDBC you can get both.

    <kahaDB directory="target/activemq-data" lockKeepAlivePeriod="5000">
            <!-- When used with the KahaDB persistence adapter the 'dataSource' 
attribute must be defined on the locker itself: -->
            <lease-database-locker lockAcquireSleepInterval="10000" 
                    <!-- Default locker attributes and SQL statements may be 
overridden here 
                         using one or more <statements 
attribute_or_statement="value"/> entries: --> 
                    <statements lockTableName="activemq_lock"/>

> On Oct 31, 2017, at 4:06 PM, akhil <> wrote:
> Hello Everyone , 
> I just had an issue today with the Active MQ EFS where one of the master
> lost its mount and two brokers acted as a master master instead of complete
> failover. I have just looked at the pluggable storage lockers but it was all
> giving that locks to JDBC stores not the EFS ones . Is there any recommended
> way of using the correct setting or pluggable lockers for the EFS boxes to
> make a correct failover ? I am using amq version 5.13.4.
> Please suggest options.
> Thanks,
> Akhil.
> --
> Sent from:

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