Hello all,

I have configured one queue in Artemis which is durable.
I sent a durable message to this queue and would have expected to see this
message even if the consumer connects later than the message was published.
But this is not the case in my test.

I configured the queue like:

       <queue name="awe.test.queue">

... and sent a message using durable with AMQP 1.0 using the qpid-sender
from qpid cpp package.

qpid-send -b localhost:9800 -a awe.test.queue
'--connection-option={protocol:amqp1.0}' --content-string 'test message Di
12. Dez 09:32:47 CET 2017' --durable=yes

As long as the receiver is connected it receives the message but when it
joins later, then nothing happens.

Did I miss some point in my configuration?

Kind Regards,

PS: Test was done using only one broker.

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