I figured out the error part, I had by mistaked named WEB-INF as WEB_INF.
Renamed it and that fixed it.

Still would like to know which RESTEasy jar files have to be picked. For
now, I added this and the mvn install completed


Is this good enough ?

My .war file looks like this

root@sh3:~/artemis-rest/target# ls
artemis-rest-1.0-SNAPSHOT  artemis-rest-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war  maven-archiver

Now, the documentation says "For example, if you've constructed a WAR as
described above named "activemq-rest.war" then clients will access it at,
e.g. http://localhost:8080/activemq-rest/[queues|topics]"

I'm lost what exactly I would do with this .war file now...

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