
I have the following scenario - A dynamically configured network of brokers
using the hub-and-spokes topology where each node is connected to the hub
with a duplex network connector.

Scaling up the network is straightforward - new nodes are created and they
connect to the hub (which has a url that is known to all the nodes).
Persistent adapters (kahadb) are created for each node.

Scaling down presents the problem of what to do with messages that are left
in the persistence of the nodes that have to be shut down.

Has anyone encountered such a use case before and if so please let me know
how you handled it :)? Currently I am considering starting a separate broker
that will connect to all of the left over persistence stores and pump the
messages to the hub (depending on consumer availability). This is mainly
because I cannot let the nodes that will be shut down take their time in
pumping out their messages (they will more or less be killed at once).

Any suggestions are welcome and will be much appreciated.

Best regards,
Ivelin Petkov

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