I'm struggling with a similiar problem:

I have one producer sending event messages. 
I have a couple of different consumers which shall react on those events.
Producer is not aware of any consumers and as such publishes events to a
The broker is configured with diverts which split and forward events to
dedicated consumer queues.

Those events are related to an asset and I want the consumers to process
events for the same asset one by one.

First try:
Producers uses JMSXGroupID on the message being send to the topic. But the
message is only being delivered to one of the consumer queues (and one
particular consumer).

Second try:
The producer sends message without JMSXGroupID. I've configured a
transformer on each divert which adds the JMSXGroupID property. But it seems
that at this stage the property is being ignored by Artemis.

What can I do?


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