Hi Justin,

what I understood from the documentation is that with the scale-down option
it should very well be possible to offload the current work to another live
server (in case of normal shutdown, of course). Or am I wrong?

And how's scaled down interally handled? A client currently connected to a
live server is being notified that this server is going down and which
server will take up the work. By what? The connector-ref definition in some
cluster configuration (which might not be public accessable at all)? Or the
public acceptor definition of the target server? 

If I now change the environment to one live and one backup server with a
shared storage (jdbc), what happens to current transactions/messages in
progress if I shutdown (not abort) the live server?
Will those be migrated to the backup server? What happens to messages which
are not marked as PERSISTENT?

Sorry for bothering with so many questions. But clustering is (was never)
easy to implement...


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