
I'm not a developer at the moment... This is why I tried to find the right
tool for such tests. I have tried more than 10 from the publicly accessible.
And also asked in the initial post which tool may be used for such type of
tests, maybe someone know a good one.

Currently, for the tests, https://github.com/erik-wramner/JmsTools was used
as it is most suitable for such type of tests from the publicly accessible
ones which I currently discovered.

Just tried to send messages to the AMQ:
java -jar AmqJmsProducer-1.7-jar-with-dependencies.jar -url
tcp://localhost:61616 -count 100 -id -type TEXT -queue Test

Expiration: 0
Persistence: Persistent

Yes, from the screenshots we may see only that there 0 messages remained in
the queues used for tests. This is because during the tests AMQ service was
restarted every 30 seconds:
Retained - Number Of Pending Messages
Not retained - Messages Enqueued
Not retained - Messages Dequeued

Currently, AMQ doesn't retain some data between application restarts.

Probably I should follow Justin's idea to create a full test description
with all required data for easy reproduction.

Thank you!


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