I use ActiveMQ as market data distribution and would create over 60,000
wildcard topics (e.g. stock.010000) and send 2,000 message/sec.  However,
ActiveMQ server CANNOT handle this kind of volume and consumer would receive
delay message (over 3 mins delay).  When I stop message generator, the
ActiveMQ server seems still processing o/s message inside.

Please help.

Configuration of ActiveMQ
O/S: Linux Redhat 7.6
Mem: 32GB
CPU: 4 cores Xeon 3.2GHz x 2

ActiveMQ Cluster: Network Bridge

activemq.xml on both MQ servers:
<broker ... schedulerSupport="true" persistent="false" >
       <policyEntry topic=">" maxPageSize="10000" topicPrefetch="1000"
producerFlowControl="false" >

activemq.xml on bridge server:
                <networkConnector  name="LinkToMdsBroker1"  duplex="true"
prefetchSize="1000" userName="system" password="manager"
conduitSubscriptions="false" >

Sent from: http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/ActiveMQ-User-f2341805.html

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