Hello all,

I have a standalone Artemis 2.6.4 running and I am connecting to it using
JMS from the client of an embedded Artemis on Wildfly 13, so Artemis client

My client code looks like this:

private JMSContext jmsContext;

jmsContext.createProducer().send(queue, myMessage);

Now, sometimes the application inside Wildfly receives requests before the
Artemis server is up, effectively throwing a:

Caused by: ActiveMQNotConnectedException[errorType=NOT_CONNECTED
message=AMQ119007: Cannot connect to server(s). Tried with all available

I am trying to have the client lock and wait for a connection before
throwing the error.

At the Artemis Connection Factory configuration I have setup this parameter:

<pooled-connection-factory initial-connect-attempts="10"

And I recognise that the higher the number of initial-connect-attemps
(default value is 1) the longer the client hangs and wait for the
connection. But can I configure a timeout for this instead of number of
connections? I haven't been able to identify that in the docs. I guess
maybe I could use -1 (infinite), but I possibly want to get the exception
if for some reason the Artemis server is not going live.

Also, I would like this to happen on reconnection attemps, but the
reconnect-attempts already has -1 as default value, so I guess its fine.

So essentially I would like clients to hang and wait some time for the live
server to start OR come back before throwing the
ActiveMQNotConnectedException. What is the recommended connection factory
configuration to achieve this?

Thanks a lot for your time,


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