
I'm implementing an EDI solution based on Artemis: EDI payloads travel
between various endpoints until all message transformations are done.
Because the data in the system is very valuable, I need to be sure that
nothing is lost in case of server crash. Also our systems are all set up via
Ansible and Artemis servers are restarted automatically in case any of the
configuration changes.

Yet the app/server restart thing made me experience data loss and
inconsistent cluster state. Thus I'd like know your opinions on how to build
the cluster topology properly.

Initially I thought that everything might be fine if I have a single live
server and two backups, each instance on a separate server. This however
ended up in having two live servers and one backup. Some of the data was on
the first live server, some on the other one. Later that day I lost it
completely as I've been trying to get back to the single live server

What's the right approach and topology to gain the highest reliability

One thing I learned so far is that I MUST NOT start the live server before
the backup if both went down previously, or I lose the data that the backup
server might have received while the live has been down.

Thank you for your responses.

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