Hi, All, 

In my activemq instance(5.15.4 or 5.15.9), I find that the kahadb index file
is larger than the journal file. 

As far as I know, want to shrink it the only way right now is to *stop the
broker, delete the index* and restart so it does a replay and rebuilds the
index but the size would just grow again as messages flow.  And most of the
time, not allowed to stop the broker on PRD env.

Do you plan to have other proper ways to shrink the index file in future
ActiveMQ versions? Thanks. 

Log attached: 
[root@localhost kahadb]# pwd
[root@localhost kahadb]# du -sh *
19M     db-87.log
531M    db.data
3.2M    db.redo
4.0K    lock

Kind regards, 

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