I have a very similar scenario to the original post. (Multi data center
replication is required)
I have read all the documentation -- but am unclear about a couple of

1) RedHat AMQ 7 (which is using Artemis under the hood) in their
"configuring broker" documentation recommend NOT using [HA replication]
across data centers.
What is the Artemis position (not on AMQ, but if using Artemis)?
Is this HA replication always: synchronous/blocking or is there an
asynchronous version too?
If the network goes down between master and slave: what happens to the
service the prod master brokers provide (does it block clients)?

2) For high performance scenarios: is it still the recommendation to use
asynchronous DRBD
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_Replicated_Block_Device) across
data centers?

3) Using asynchronous replication can lead to small message loss and
imperfect replication of the journal. How resilient is Artemis to these
small corruptions of the journal? Can it start the broker and ignore the
"corrupt"/incomplete replica blocks?

4) Is there any existing documentation on this? This is what I found:
(ActiveMQ but not Artemis)
https://www.rabbitmq.com/pacemaker.html (DRBD as well)

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