I have a (I think) simple master / slave setup of ActiveMQ servers, using
shared file system.  When I shut down the current master, it fails over to
the slave, and when I then restart the original master, it becomes the
standby - which is all just fine.

I'm having problems on the client side, though.  I'm using the Core API, not
JMS.  (Based on the comment in the first bullet point under "Avoiding
Anti-Patterns".  Which I misread to say 'don't use JMS' rather than 'don't
use JMS Template'.  Anyways - at the moment I'm using the Core API).

The client will, on startup, connect just fine to whichever of the two
ActiveMQ servers is the master.

The problem I'm having is on the server failover - my client code isn't
detecting that, and so the existing connections / producers / consumers I
have set up start failing.

The ActiveMQ wiring in Spring Boot looks like this:

I tried refactoring this so that I could directly call
createServerLocatorWithHA, like this:

but that failed on startup with
AMQ119013: Timed out waiting to receive cluster topology. Group:null

I create a separate ClientSession for each consumer, and for each producer.

Any ideas?  

Thanks in advance!

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