I hadn't understood that the connection was initially successful and data
passes correctly at first, so thank you for clarifying that.

Do you see the same behavior if you connect directly to the broker without
going through the HAProxy? Might this be introduced by the loan balancer,
possibly due to it terminating the connection due to inactivity?

Also, can you show us the broker logs from the corresponding time period?


On Tue, Apr 21, 2020, 9:18 AM JJ <gerardo.tro...@euronet.aero> wrote:

> Sorry but iI do not understand what you mean.
> The clients regularly estabilish the connection, subscribe and publish. But
> after some seconds they are disconnected and I found a lot af Connection
> reset server/broker side.
> I use the same configuration fo years, but with an older Activemq version.
> I'd like to know, if the latest version needs different configuration, or
> better to say, if there is a worlonk configuration for the underlined
> scenario.
> Thank you
> --
> Sent from:
> http://activemq.2283324.n4.nabble.com/ActiveMQ-User-f2341805.html

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