We have activated the DEBUG logging on AMQ and the slave broker does not log 
anything else then trying to lock the KahaDB, even though the 
Camel client got connected to it:
From amq log on slave broker:
2021-08-01 05:43:52,899 | DEBUG | Database 
\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock is locked... waiting 
10 seconds for the database to be unlocked. Reason: java.io.IOException: File 
'\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock' could not be 
locked. | org.apache.activemq.store.SharedFileLocker | WrapperSimpleAppMain
2021-08-01 05:44:02,913 | DEBUG | Database 
\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock is locked... waiting 
10 seconds for the database to be unlocked. Reason: java.io.IOException: File 
'\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock' could not be 
locked. | org.apache.activemq.store.SharedFileLocker | WrapperSimpleAppMain
2021-08-01 05:44:12,913 | DEBUG | Database 
\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock is locked... waiting 
10 seconds for the database to be unlocked. Reason: java.io.IOException: File 
'\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock' could not be 
locked. | org.apache.activemq.store.SharedFileLocker | WrapperSimpleAppMain
2021-08-01 05:44:22,914 | DEBUG | Database 
\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock is locked... waiting 
10 seconds for the database to be unlocked. Reason: java.io.IOException: File 
'\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock' could not be 
locked. | org.apache.activemq.store.SharedFileLocker | WrapperSimpleAppMain
2021-08-01 05:44:32,930 | DEBUG | Database 
\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock is locked... waiting 
10 seconds for the database to be unlocked. Reason: java.io.IOException: File 
'\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock' could not be 
locked. | org.apache.activemq.store.SharedFileLocker | WrapperSimpleAppMain
2021-08-01 05:44:42,945 | DEBUG | Database 
\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock is locked... waiting 
10 seconds for the database to be unlocked. Reason: java.io.IOException: File 
'\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock' could not be 
locked. | org.apache.activemq.store.SharedFileLocker | WrapperSimpleAppMain
2021-08-01 05:44:52,946 | DEBUG | Database 
\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock is locked... waiting 
10 seconds for the database to be unlocked. Reason: java.io.IOException: File 
'\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock' could not be 
locked. | org.apache.activemq.store.SharedFileLocker | WrapperSimpleAppMain
2021-08-01 05:45:02,962 | DEBUG | Database 
\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock is locked... waiting 
10 seconds for the database to be unlocked. Reason: java.io.IOException: File 
'\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock' could not be 
locked. | org.apache.activemq.store.SharedFileLocker | WrapperSimpleAppMain
2021-08-01 05:45:12,978 | DEBUG | Database 
\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock is locked... waiting 
10 seconds for the database to be unlocked. Reason: java.io.IOException: File 
'\\usgwdfsfs01\GWD_DFS_FS\GWD_DFS_PRO\AMQ\kahadbEIHUB\lock' could not be 
locked. | org.apache.activemq.store.SharedFileLocker | WrapperSimpleAppMain

And the Camel instance (competing consumers config) connects to the slave 

2021-08-01 05:44:52  INFO  FailoverTransport:1052 - Successfully connected to 

The Master Broker is on BASENAME-I01.

Of course the started Camel route fails with a exchange timeout exception.

Maybe there is a small bug in AMQ and that is why the slave broker accepted the 
connection ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Pavlovich <mattr...@gmail.com> 
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2021 6:19 PM
To: users@activemq.apache.org
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: Slave Broker accepts incoming connection from Apache 
Camel AMQ consumer in competing consumption mode

[Use caution with links & attachments]

Hello Stefan-

No, this does not sound normal. The broker does not activate 
transportConnectors (for clients) or networkConnectors when in ’slave’ mode. 
Check the logs on the brokers to see what’s going on with the lock activation.

Note— you have to have a supported file system that supports correct 
distributed lock management (NFSv4, GFSv2, etc). File systems such as Windows 
SMB or CIFS shares do NOT handle locks properly.

Matt Pavlovich

> On Jul 26, 2021, at 2:01 AM, Stefan Schotte 
> <sscho...@ra.rockwell.com.INVALID> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following configuration:
>  *   Two actively running Tomcat instances running Apache Camel 2.20.2 that 
> use the competing consumer concept to read message of the same queue
>  *   AMQ 5.15.0 in an Master Slave configuration using a shared kahaDB.
> It happens that one of the Camel instances connects to the Slave Broker, even 
> though the slave broker is not active i.e. as far as I can tell (log files) 
> it did not get a lock on the kahaDB.
> When this occurs the route on that Camel Instance is blocked and we get a 
> ExchangeTimedOutException and this blocks the route and messages are being 
> queued up.
> WARN  EndpointMessageListener:213 - Execution of JMS message listener failed. 
> Caused by: [org.apache.camel.RuntimeCamelException - 
> org.apache.camel.ExchangeTimedOutException: The OUT message was not received 
> within: 30000 millis. Exchange[ID-MXPBMES-01P-I02-1625784159041-1-16108]]
> Is it normal that a slave broker accepts a connection from a client 
> application (Camel in our case) ?
> Thanks for the help.

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