In our production system we switched from the one directional mirroring to dual 
mirroring as supported by Artemis 2.20+. At the same time we renamed the mirror 
to have distinct names on both datacenters (BOS and SJE), previously the 
mirrors were simply called mirror on both sides.

We did that by replacing the amqp-connection in the broker.xml with the 
following sed commands, and restarting the broker.
  sed -i '' -e 's|<amqp-connection.*|<amqp-connection 
uri="\${raveMirrorConnectionStr}" name="\${raveMirrorName}" 
user="\${raveMirrorUser}" password="\${raveMirrorPassword}">|' broker.xml
  sed -i '' -e 's|<mirror .*/>|<mirror/>|' broker.xml
  sed -i '' -e 's|autoStart=\${ravePrimarySite};*||ig' broker.xml

What I noticed on restarting the broker was that the old mirror queues still 
existed and were still being populated, so I deleted those queues and addresses 
from the management console, resulting in a series of errors like:

  2022-03-16 23:52:29,482 WARN 
 Queue $ACTIVEMQ_ARTEMIS_MIRROR_Mirror not found on mirror target, ignoring ack 
for queue=$ACTIVEMQ_ARTEMIS_MIRROR_Mirror, messageID=63165878649, 

Since then I've been wondering if I did the right thing, or if there is some 
hidden queuing still going on for the old mirror. I'm seeing lots of issues 
with queue counts being out of sync that I don't know how to diagnose or 
resolve; and during our failover test we ended up needing to restart Artemis 
because messages were not being consumed. I don't know if any of these things 
are related.

Stephen E. Baker

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