I have a number of related questions regarding the various message count 
attributes available.

On many of my high traffic queues Delivering size, Durable delivering size, and 
Durable persistent size appear to be large negative numbers like -188160082, 
even while the count is zero. Is that something to be concerned about, or 
something that I can reset to correct again?

In a queue I'm looking at Acknowledge attempts matches the number of Messages 
added, but Messages acknowledged is a smaller number. The difference appears to 
be the number of Messages expired. What does that first statistic mean?

Some of my queues have a Delivering Count less than 0, for example my DLQ which 
I have purged in the past (possibly from the other side of the mirror) has a 
Delivering count of -1989. A few other queues with negative counts are known to 
have slow consumers, and finally one with a core bridge has a negative count. 
If I can reproduce some of these scenarios is this a bug to be reported, and is 
there any consequence beyond the metrics?

Finally, there's an operation resetAllMessageCounters() - does that just put 
all metrics at 0, so any in flight or queued messages end up reporting negative 
numbers again, or does it somehow trigger fresh calculations for the stats?

Stephen E. Baker

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