Hello list,

since, according to documentation, PropertiesLogin JAAS module is not 
recommended for production use, and .properties files are not synched in a 
cluster environment, we are now searching for possible authentication 

At first I thought to build a Keycloak cluster, but reading through 
documentation I found that there is such a thing as 
ActiveMQBasicSecurityManager which should be enough (our case: thousands of 
external MQ clients using different Artemis user each, to separate their JMS 
queue data).

Unfortunately documentation is a bit scarce on the examples how exactly 
ActiveMQBasicSecurityManager is configured, and internet search returns almost 
nothing, so I’m sorry in advance for a lot of questions.

  1.  Is it enough to configure <security-manager> in bootstrap.xml? Do I need 
to remove <jaas-security domain="activemq"/> line? Do I also somehow change 
login.config? Currently it is configured to use default PropertiesLogin JAAS 
  2.  How do I separate Hawtio authentication from broker authentication? Does 
this mean I have to separate default “activemq” realm, use that different realm 
when starting Hawtio and then change login.config so it includes both realms 
using different authentication modules?
  3.  If the above answer is yes, is there an example somewhere how 
ActiveMQBasicSecurityManager is configured in login.config and what are the 
  4.  Can I use the same .properties file for both, populate 
ActiveMQBasicSecurityManager bootstrap user credentials, and Hawtio 
  5.  How bootstrapUser and bootstrapPassword works in cluster environment if 
binding journal already contains the same user? Let’s say I restart primary and 
backup becomes live, but earlier I have changed the password via management API 
using other means? Should I set bootstrapUser configuration in all cluster 
nodes or just in primary?
  6.  From our code perspective, can we still use 
JMSManagementHelper.putOperationInvocation() with "addUser" operation to 
add/delete users dynamically, or do we need to use different API?
  7.  Is there a tool to at least list all the users in the journal, or this is 
only possible calling some kind of API?
  8.  From the security perspective, are users’ passwords in binding journal 
properly hashed and cannot be retrieved if someone pokes at the data?

Thank you in advance for any pointers.

   Best Regards,

    Vilius Šumskas
    IT manager
    +370 614 75713

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