I don't think it's possible to know whether or not that was a conscious
decision based on the available evidence. If it was, I would have expected
a mention of it in the documentation, the commit log, or a code comment. I
think the only conclusive data would be input from the original author
(i.e. Martyn Taylor).

Aside from that, I'm not sure what you mean by "rewriteBatchedStatements is
not JDBC conformant." I didn't see any mention of that detail in the linked
documentation. It seems odd that the MySQL developers would put something
which is "not JDBC conformant" in a JDBC driver. Can you clarify?


On Fri, Jul 29, 2022 at 8:19 AM Stephen Baker <
stephen.ba...@rmssoftwareinc.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have looked over the use of executeBatch in artemis-jdbc-store and it
> would be safe to use mysql’s rewriteBatchedStatements connection string
> value the way the code is written right now. I was wondering if that was a
> conscious decision given rewriteBatchedStatements is not JDBC conformant.
> https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-j/8.0/en/connector-j-connp-props-performance-extensions.html#cj-conn-prop_rewriteBatchedStatements
> Stephen E. Baker

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