publishing a benchmark is a game without end.

It's always possible to get a particular usecase or tweak things in a
way that will move the benchmark in any direction you want.

the best you can do is to measure the use case you want to achieve
yourself.  I have spent a lot of time with benchmarks before and I
don't want to get back to that game myself :)

Having said that, we have an ./artemis perf client tool as part of the
artemis cli that you can use for some metrics.

On Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 4:05 AM Francois Papon
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> /"the reporting performance of Artemis is significantly higher than
> Classic"/
> I'm very interested about such of reporting performance between Artemis
> and AMQ.
> Is it possible to share?
> Regards,
> François
> On 26/09/2022 16:40, Robbie Gemmell wrote:
> > Couple minor corrections for anyone else reading later..
> >
> > On Mon, 26 Sept 2022 at 14:15, Clebert Suconic
> > <>  wrote:
> >> the major bit from the release (2) only tells you about the API. Currently
> >> version 2 will be version 2 as long as we keep the API compatible with
> >> previous releases. (When we make it 3.0 it means we can remove a few
> >> deprecated methods and other stuff)
> >>
> >>
> >> The second bit, 2.26.0 (26), means we had ** Twenty Six ** releases fixing
> >> bugs and improvements since we released the very first 2.0 back in 2017:
> >>
> >>
> > Due to 2.y.z releases as well, it is actually now 34 releases since 2.0.0.
> >
> >> ActiveMQ Artemis was initially donated from HornetQ, and back then we made
> >> a  roadmap for features we must implement to get the same features from
> >> ActiveMQ. I believe at this point we are already beyond.. and that page
> >> needs some updating probably to reflect the current state.
> >>
> >> Also, to talk about production ready quality, the codebase of ActiveMQ
> >> Artemis was donated to ActiveMQ back in 2017 from HornetQ. It is a very
> >> stable codebase. I have myself dedicated the past 14 years of my profession
> >> to this codebase... along other developers who I highly consider, and many
> >> other open source contributors... So it is definitely production quality.
> > It was late 2014 for the donation, 2015 for the Artemis 1.0.0 release,
> > and then 2017 had the Artemis 2.0.0 release.
> >
> >> Talking about that, I'm releasing 2.26.0 today.
> >>
> >> On Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 6:12 AM Mark Johnson<>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Although Artemis is at Release 2, I cannot find a direct statement in the
> >>> online documentation that Artemis is production ready. In contrast, this
> >>> page suggests that Artemis is *not* production ready
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Naturally, I must provide evidence that Artemis is considered production
> >>> ready by the ActiveMQ team before investing any further effort in 
> >>> deploying
> >>> and testing Artemis to replace Classic.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> We are considering Artemis simply because the reporting performance of
> >>> Artemis is significantly higher than Classic.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> *  Mark*
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> *Johnson*
> >>>
> >>>    Principal Product Architect
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>    Flooid, PCMS House, Torwood Close
> >>>
> >>>    Westwood Business Park
> >>>
> >>>    Coventry, CV4 8HX, United Kingdom
> >>>
> >>>    T: +442475269508
> >>>
> >>>    M: 07764305692
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> *<>*
> >>>
> >>> *Click here to send me something sensitive or securely!
> >>> <>*
> >>>
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> >>>
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> >>> Flooid Ltd reserves the right to monitor and examine the content of all
> >>> e-mails. Flooid Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales with
> >>> company number 1459419 whose registered office is at PCMS House, Torwood
> >>> Close, Westwood Business Park, Coventry CV4 8HX, United Kingdom. VAT No: 
> >>> GB
> >>> 705338743.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Clebert Suconic

Clebert Suconic

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