
Please forgive if this is too simplistic of an thought, but we encountered 
similar symptoms due to a hung or very-slow consumer.  AMQ was batching 
delivery of N messages, one consumer was getting stuck and so the N-1 
pre-delivered messages would not be consumed by other available consumers until 
a timeout and redelivery.


[rg] <https://www.redpointglobal.com/>

John Lilley

Data Management Chief Architect, Redpoint Global Inc.

888 Worcester Street, Suite 200 Wellesley, MA 02482

M: +1 7209385761<tel:+1%207209385761> | 
From: Cezary Majchrzak <cezary.majchrza...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, January 2, 2023 7:15 AM
To: users@activemq.apache.org
Subject: Consumers stop receiving messages

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We are observing strange communication problems with the ActiveMQ Artemis 
broker in our system. When the problem occurs JmsListener stops receiving 
further messages despite the fact that previously consuming worked perfectly. 
The problem can occur on several queues but others at the same time work 
properly. The Artemis management panel on the problematic queues then indicates 
that deliveringCount > 0 and this value does not change. Consumer count at this 
time is non-zero. Restarting the broker or message consuming services does not 
always help. Sometimes messages are consumed for a short time after which the 
problem reappears. We noticed that this happens only when sending large 
messages (size of about 250 KB, Artemis saves them with a size twice as large 
due to encoding). Problematic queues process large and small messages or only 
large messages. Queues that work properly process only small messages. At the 
same time, the problem does not occur with every sending of large messages. We 
use message grouping, assigning each message a UUID at the beginning of 
processing, which is then used as a group identifier. We wonder if the large 
number of such groups (sometimes even several million new messages per day) can 
have a significant impact on memory consumption.

Artemis configuration

-        Single instance of ActiveMQ Artemis broker (configured for 
master-slave operation, but only one instance is enabled).

-        The broker is running on AlmaLinux 8.4 OS.

-        Artemis version is 2.27.1 (updated from version 2.22.0 where the 
problem also occurred).

-        The broker.xml configuration file is attached.

-        One topic (omitting DLQ and ExpiryQueue) for which queues are created 
with appropriate filters.
Application side configuration

-        Spring Boot version 2.6.13 with spring-boot-starter-artemis.

-        Subscriptions configured as durable and shared.

-        Sessions are transacted.
What have we tried to solve the issue

-        JmsListener used a container with dynamic scaling of the number of 
consumers, while caching of consumers was enabled. We thought that this might 
pose a problem for a broker trying to deliver messages to consumers that no 
longer existed. We disabled caching of consumers and set maxMessagePerTask 
property, unfortunately this did not solve the problem.

-        We tried changing Spring Boot's CachingConnectionFactory to 
JmsPoolConnectionFactory from lib https://github.com/messaginghub/pooled-jms, 
but again the problem was not solved.

-        We took thread dumps in the services to make sure that the processing 
doesn't get stuck when executing business logic and interacting with external 
services. All threads of type JmsListenerEndpointContainer are in TIMED_WAITING 
state and the stacktrace indicates that they are waiting for messages from the 
broker in the receive method of class 

-        Updated the broker version to the latest 2.27.1, but the same problem 
still occurs.

-        We tried changing the parameters of the acceptor in the broker.xml 
file, such as: amqpMinLargeMessageSize (despite changing this parameter, 
messages in the broker continue to be seen as large, despite the smaller size 
than declared), remotingThreads and directDeliver. No apparent effect on broker 

-        TCP dumps of the network traffic between the broker and the services 
consuming the messages show that the network communication is established and 
some data is sent from the broker.

-       We have changed the broker settings related to memory. Previously, the 
host had 32GB of RAM and the Artemis process was configured with the JVM -Xms 
and -Xmx parameters equal to 26GB and the global-max-size parameter set by 
default. We noticed that during a heavy load of large messages, in addition to 
the problem of not consuming messages, the host would sometimes reset itself 
through out of out of memory errors. For this reason, we increased the amount 
of RAM available to the host to 64GB and set the -Xms and -Xmx parameters to 
50G, and changed the global-max-size to 10G as recommended by 
 The broker seemed to work more stably (one day processed about 3 million large 
messages without any problems), unfortunately after about a week of operation 
the problem of not consuming messages returned. I've attached below graphs of 
memory consumption during one such problem. I have numbered on them the 
consecutive times when we restarted the broker (coinciding with high GC time 
and high committed memory value). During the first three reboots, consuming 
resumed only for a moment, then stopped again. After the fourth reboot, 
consuming started working properly and all the messages came off the queues.



Similar symptoms have been described 
 but the proposed solutions do not seem to apply to us. Please provide ideas on 
how to solve the problem.

Many thanks,
Cezary Majchrzak

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