Just want to add my experience with issues like this but im still at the
learning level with Artemis.
Watch out for a delivering count with the address not getting ACQs as this
has always meant a problem with the consumer or a poison message, in our
Also redeliveries and/or duplicates are something to watch out for as this
can cause performance issues over time because of possible
infinite redelivery settings.

On Tue, Jan 3, 2023 at 8:06 AM Cezary Majchrzak <
cezary.majchrza...@gmail.com> wrote:

>               John,
>               It seems to me that this is not the reason. If it was an
> issue of slow or hung consumers we would see it in thread dumps.
>              Justin,
>              Answering your questions:
> -        We are aware of this version difference and have prepared to
> implement a new version of the application with an upgrade of
> spring-boot-starter-artemis to the broker version. Although we have not yet
> deployed these changes on the environment.
> -        We haven't tried this yet, mainly because of concerns about high
> memory consumption. One of the consumers of large messages, pulls messages
> from the queue, at a speed about 3 times less than they are produced.
> -        We only use CORE clients, and we set this parameter because we
> overlooked the fact that it only applies to AMQP clients. Thanks for
> pointing this out.
> -        Yes, we collected thread dumps from the broker (back when it was
> still in version 2.22.0) when this problem occurred. I am not sure if these
> dumps indicate that the broker is working correctly, please help me analyze
> them. I attach the dumps to this message.
> -        I was not very precise, sorry about that. All services
> publish/consume to/from a single address that has multiple multicast
> queues. Some of these queues (the ones that large messages fall into after
> filtering) have the problems described while others work just fine.
> -        The services in our system consume messages from the queue,
> execute business logic and finally publish the message to address. We want
> to make sure that any errors that may occur along the way will cause the
> message to be rolled back and possibly re-processed.
> Thanks,
> Cezary
> wt., 3 sty 2023 o 03:19 Justin Bertram <jbert...@apache.org> napisaƂ(a):
>> Couple of questions:
>>  - Version 2.6.13 of the spring-boot-starter-artemis Maven component uses
>> artemis-jms-client 2.19.1. Have you tried upgrading this to a later version?
>>  - Have you tried adjusting the minLargeMessageSize URL parameter on your
>> clients so that *no* message is actually considered "large"? This would use
>> more memory on the broker and therefore wouldn't necessarily be
>> recommended, but it would be worth testing to conclusively isolate the
>> problem to "large" messages.
>>  - I see that you tried adjusting amqpMinLargeMessageSize, but that only
>> applies to clients using AMQP. Are you using any AMQP clients? I'm guessing
>> you aren't since you didn't see any change in behavior after adjusting that
>> parameter.
>>  - Have you collected any thread dumps from the broker once a consumer
>> stops receiving messages? If so, what did they show? If not, could you?
>>  - Can you elaborate on what kind of and how many destinations you're
>> using? You talk about some queues operating normally while other queues are
>> having problems, but you also say that you're only using "one topic."
>>  - Is there a specific reason you're using transacted sessions?
>> Justin
>> On Mon, Jan 2, 2023 at 12:17 PM Cezary Majchrzak <
>> cezary.majchrza...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> We are observing strange communication problems with the ActiveMQ
>>> Artemis broker in our system. When the problem occurs JmsListener stops
>>> receiving further messages despite the fact that previously consuming
>>> worked perfectly. The problem can occur on several queues but others at the
>>> same time work properly. The Artemis management panel on the problematic
>>> queues then indicates that deliveringCount > 0 and this value does not
>>> change. Consumer count at this time is non-zero. Restarting the broker or
>>> message consuming services does not always help. Sometimes messages are
>>> consumed for a short time after which the problem reappears. We noticed
>>> that this happens only when sending large messages (size of about 250 KB,
>>> Artemis saves them with a size twice as large due to encoding). Problematic
>>> queues process large and small messages or only large messages. Queues that
>>> work properly process only small messages. At the same time, the problem
>>> does not occur with every sending of large messages. We use message
>>> grouping, assigning each message a UUID at the beginning of processing,
>>> which is then used as a group identifier. We wonder if the large number of
>>> such groups (sometimes even several million new messages per day) can have
>>> a significant impact on memory consumption.
>>> *Artemis configuration*
>>> -        Single instance of ActiveMQ Artemis broker (configured for
>>> master-slave operation, but only one instance is enabled).
>>> -        The broker is running on AlmaLinux 8.4 OS.
>>> -        Artemis version is 2.27.1 (updated from version 2.22.0 where
>>> the problem also occurred).
>>> -        The broker.xml configuration file is attached.
>>> -        One topic (omitting DLQ and ExpiryQueue) for which queues are
>>> created with appropriate filters.
>>> *Application side configuration*
>>> -        Spring Boot version 2.6.13 with spring-boot-starter-artemis.
>>> -        Subscriptions configured as durable and shared.
>>> -        Sessions are transacted.
>>> *What have we tried to solve the issue*
>>> -        JmsListener used a container with dynamic scaling of the
>>> number of consumers, while caching of consumers was enabled. We thought
>>> that this might pose a problem for a broker trying to deliver messages to
>>> consumers that no longer existed. We disabled caching of consumers and set
>>> maxMessagePerTask property, unfortunately this did not solve the problem.
>>> -        We tried changing Spring Boot's CachingConnectionFactory to
>>> JmsPoolConnectionFactory from lib
>>> https://github.com/messaginghub/pooled-jms, but again the problem was
>>> not solved.
>>> -        We took thread dumps in the services to make sure that the
>>> processing doesn't get stuck when executing business logic and interacting
>>> with external services. All threads of type JmsListenerEndpointContainer
>>> are in TIMED_WAITING state and the stacktrace indicates that they are
>>> waiting for messages from the broker in the receive method of class
>>> org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.client.impl.ClientConsumerImpl.
>>> -        Updated the broker version to the latest 2.27.1, but the same
>>> problem still occurs.
>>> -        We tried changing the parameters of the acceptor in the
>>> broker.xml file, such as: amqpMinLargeMessageSize (despite changing this
>>> parameter, messages in the broker continue to be seen as large, despite the
>>> smaller size than declared), remotingThreads and directDeliver. No apparent
>>> effect on broker performance.
>>> -        TCP dumps of the network traffic between the broker and the
>>> services consuming the messages show that the network communication is
>>> established and some data is sent from the broker.
>>> -       We have changed the broker settings related to memory.
>>> Previously, the host had 32GB of RAM and the Artemis process was configured
>>> with the JVM -Xms and -Xmx parameters equal to 26GB and the global-max-size
>>> parameter set by default. We noticed that during a heavy load of large
>>> messages, in addition to the problem of not consuming messages, the host
>>> would sometimes reset itself through out of out of memory errors. For this
>>> reason, we increased the amount of RAM available to the host to 64GB and
>>> set the -Xms and -Xmx parameters to 50G, and changed the global-max-size to
>>> 10G as recommended by
>>> https://activemq.apache.org/components/artemis/documentation/latest/perf-tuning.html.
>>> The broker seemed to work more stably (one day processed about 3 million
>>> large messages without any problems), unfortunately after about a week of
>>> operation the problem of not consuming messages returned. I've attached
>>> below graphs of memory consumption during one such problem. I have numbered
>>> on them the consecutive times when we restarted the broker (coinciding with
>>> high GC time and high committed memory value). During the first three
>>> reboots, consuming resumed only for a moment, then stopped again. After the
>>> fourth reboot, consuming started working properly and all the messages came
>>> off the queues.
>>> [image: memory_dump_1.png]
>>> [image: memory_dump_2.png]
>>> Similar symptoms have been described here
>>> <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74792977/no-data-being-sent-to-consumers-even-though-connection-and-session-are-created>
>>> but the proposed solutions do not seem to apply to us. Please provide ideas
>>> on how to solve the problem.
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Cezary Majchrzak

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