I am running 5.17.2 and would like to enable audit to capture
users logging in via jetty web console.

I have enabled
and after a restart can see the entry in my running activemq process
listing (RHEL 7.9)

within log4j2.properties i have mapped audit.log to the same location as
activemq logs to, but i am not getting any audit entries indicating users
logging in via the web console.

I am getting some broker information
anonymous called org.apache.activeqm.broker.jmx.BrokerView.terminateJVM[0]
on <Instance> at <Date> <TIME> | RMI TCP Connection(4)-<IP-Address for
Activemq Instance>

Is there anything else that needs doing?
the system has a mix of CertLogin (users) and activemq (user/pass) for
admin access


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