On 7/21/23 17:01, david kerns wrote:
I started with the example code here:
I modified it to use SSL and a certificate... all working.

Six months later when the certificate expired, starting the subscriber just
hangs on:


It would be nice if instead of hanging, the subscriber took an
exception. (bonus points for a "your certificate has expired" message)

I'm curious if the call to:

should be done before the call to start()? or is there a standard way
to detect/report connection issues.


If you kept the default connection URI from the example then it is using failover mechanisms and so it would just be sitting in the start call waiting on failover to try and eventually connect. If you haven't added max reconnect attempts configuration then it will try forever, refer to the client configuration to set a backoff and max attempts if needed.

Tim Bish

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