On 1/2/24 17:29, Paras Jain wrote:

I am trying to implement an ActiveMQ client with sharedconsumer
functionality with ActiveMQ 5.18.3. The activemq-client (
doesn't seem to support SharedConsumer functionality yet. When I use
Artemis Client (
to connect to 5.18.3the connectionFatory.createContext(); is timing out.
The same code succeeds if I try to connect to artemis broker. Is there a
way to use artemis client with classic ActiveMQ?

You cannot use the Artemis client to connect to the ActiveMQ 'Classic' broker as that client uses the Artemis Core protocol which is not supported in the ActiveMQ 'Classic' series brokers. The 5.x and current 6.x releases do not implement shared consumer functionality as defined in the Jakarta JMS specs.  You could probably achieve what you want using the ActiveMQ virtual topic consumer feature but it would not be a fully vendor neutral solution.

The Artemis broker supports shared consumers using the Artemis JMS / Jakarta clients or using the Qpid JMS client.

Tim Bish

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