On 17/04/2009, at 5:33 PM, Todor Boev wrote:

I didn't do anything special regarding the jetty.xml. I copied "conf" and "data" from the archiva directory to /var/archiva. I tweaked the reposotory paths in archiva.xml to be in /var/archiva. Finally I set ARCHIVA_BASE to /var/archiva. Since jetty.xml was already set up to use the database I did not have to touch it (I think). Currently it contains this entry:

<New id="users" class="org.mortbay.jetty.plus.naming.Resource">
     <New class="org.postgresql.ds.PGPoolingDataSource">
       <Set name="serverName">localhost</Set>
       <Set name="databaseName">archiva_users</Set>
       <Set name="user">xxxx</Set>
       <Set name="password">xxxx</Set>

There are similar entries for the other archiva databases.

On 17/04/2009, at 5:38 PM, Todor Boev wrote:

Just to add:

Is is possible that archiva 1.2 uses different tables for the users than archiva 1.1.3 and for this reason just can't pick up the data? Instead it crates new empty tables?

no, it should use the existing ones. You said you had to create an administrator again - are different databases created in wither postgres, or in the Archiva directory using derby that contain that data and might indicate where the configuration went wrong?

- Brett

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