Hi Matthew, Terence,

thank you Terence, this is right. These should be the necessary configuration 
points to get it work.
The cron entry is also required, and you have to make sure that the snapshot 
artifact files are named, as maven creates
them, e.g. archiva-checksum-3.0.0-20180409.013311-155.jar

You have to make sure, that the "artifact" file types in the "Repository 
Scanning" configuration match your files, and the types
should not be listed in the "ignored" list.

You can manually run the the scan process by clicking the "Directories 
Scanning" action on the repository. If you activate debug
log, you should see entries from the "RepositoryPurgeConsumer" in archiva.log.



Am Freitag, 19. Oktober 2018, 19:22:01 CEST schrieb Terence Kent:
> Stefaan, Matthew,
> I hate "works for me responses", so apologies in advance. However, we are
> seeing artifacts automatically removed according to our repository
> retention settings in our deployment and I wanted to share
> possibly-relevant information.
> We've been using Archiva version 2.2.3 in a docker container for over a
> year now and haven't had any retention-related problems. Here are the parts
> of our configuration that may be relevant.
>    1. We have dedicated "snapshots" and "releases" repositories. Only
>    snapshots are allowed in the "snapshots" repository, and only "releases" in
>    the releases repository.
>    2. In each repository we have retention policies, and each repository is
>    configured to be scanned.
>    3. The "repository-purge" consumer is enabled.
> Also, FWIW, I'm pretty sure the code that applies the retention policy is
> in the "repository-purge" consumer, and the out-most class for the feature
> is found here:
> https://github.com/apache/archiva/blob/9351c66bc89c65357ba72bb84982951919cbc0c4/archiva-modules/archiva-base/archiva-consumers/archiva-core-consumers/src/main/java/org/apache/archiva/consumers/core/repository/RepositoryPurgeConsumer.java
> Best,
> Terence
> On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 7:59 AM Matthew Broadhead
> <matthew.broadh...@nbmlaw.co.uk.invalid> wrote:
> >
> > https://github.com/apache/archiva/blob/9351c66bc89c65357ba72bb84982951919cbc0c4/archiva-modules/archiva-scheduler/archiva-scheduler-repository/src/main/java/org/apache/archiva/scheduler/repository/ArchivaRepositoryScanningTaskExecutor.java#L181
> >
> > seems that it hasn't been implemented?
> >
> > On 19/10/2018 15:39, Matthew Broadhead wrote:
> > > yes i have activated the "repository-purge" consumer under Repository
> > > scanning -> Consumers.  maybe i also need to activate the
> > > "validate-checksums" consumer as that is the only one not enabled
> > >
> > > in my snapshot repository i have the following values:
> > > Cron Expression  0 0,30 * * * ?
> > > Days Older  30
> > > Retention Count  2
> > > Delete Released Snapshots is checked
> > >
> > > i was going to upgrade to 2.2.3 but if yours is not working either
> > > then there is not much point
> > >
> > > i wonder if there is any way to trigger it from the command line?
> > >
> > > On 19/10/2018 13:52, Stefaan Dutry wrote:
> > >> According to my understanding it should be through the
> > >> repository-purge consumer. (This is located under Administration >
> > >> repository scanning > Consumers)
> > >>
> > >> Then on the repository configuration itself there are settings like
> > >> "Delete Released Snapshots" and "retention count" and "days older"
> > >>
> > >> Unfortunately the automatic purge isn't happening on our systems either.
> > >> (our version is 2.2.3)
> > >>
> > >> see:
> > >> http://archiva.apache.org/docs/2.2.0/adminguide/repositories.html
> > >> * delete released snapshots
> > >> * repository purge by days older
> > >> * repository purge by retention count
> > >> http://archiva.apache.org/docs/2.2.0/adminguide/consumers.html
> > >> * repository-purge
> > >>
> > >> But this is what's specified in the link you provided
> > >>
> > >> Regards,
> > >> Stefaan Dutry
> > >> Op vr 19 okt. 2018 om 13:37 schreef Jay Vyas <jayunit...@gmail.com>:
> > >>> Hey Matt: some of us are definetly here.  Archiva saved me when I
> > >>> couldn’t pay for nexus so, I’d definetly say there are a few others
> > >>> in that boat. Ufortubately nobody has responded yet.  Next step if
> > >>> necessary would be filing a JIrA issue on the Apache organization
> > >>> for archiva if nobody is able to help on the thread.
> > >>>
> > >>>> On Oct 19, 2018, at 4:51 AM, Matthew Broadhead
> > >>>> <matthew.broadh...@nbmlaw.co.uk.INVALID> wrote:
> > >>>>
> > >>>> sorry to chase but is anyone still monitoring this list? are we
> > >>>> supposed to move to sonatype nexus oss?  i thought apache created
> > >>>> maven?
> > >>>>
> > >>>>> On 08/10/2018 20:00, Matthew Broadhead wrote:
> > >>>>> i am using 2.2.0 and i have looked through all the settings but i
> > >>>>> don't understand how to automatically delete old snapshots.
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>> i followed this
> > >>>>>
> > https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12315461/how-to-configure-maven-or-apache-archiva-that-it-keeps-only-n-builds-of-an-snaps
> > >>>>> but it didn't work
> > >
> >
> >

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