Weekly Meeting

Buildbot has weekly meetings via irc, held at 16:30 UTC on Tuesdays. That is about 90 minutes from now!

Meetings are in #buildbot on Freenode, open to any and all participants. They generally focus on organizational, rather than technical issues, but are open to anything Buildbot-related. To raise a topic, add it to "All Other Business" in the agenda, or just speak up during the meeting.

Meeting minutes are available here.

Trac Tickets

New/Reopened Tickets

3458tasksetup IRC bot that would repost questions from StackOverflow into Buildbot IRC channel
3459taskpublish built on Travis docs for each pull request
3460defectNine: Web fails to load force scheduler if the name has a space in it
3461defectgetChangesForBuild: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
3462undecidedbrowser doesn't reconnect to master if connection is broken and show empty results instead of errors
3463undecidedResult of "Force"-ing build that is scheduled to run on (yet) disconnected worker is misleading
3464undecided[UI] html is not escaped in ShellCommand stdio
3465undecidedbuildbot.steps.worker.CompositeStepMixin is not documented
3466undecidednextSlave idiosyncrasies

Closed Tickets

2977project-ideaA web-plugin to manipulate the config ?
3406enhancementCreate wiki page for external plugins, link to it from docs
3420undecidedtests are failing when using MySQL database backend
3424enhancementweekly summary should include tickets from today, too
3433undecidedp4client argument description is incorrect
3434undecideddocumentation for non-existent class SlaveProxyObject
3450undecidedreplace sa.Table with sautils.Table
3454defectTests failing in Docker with processes not being killed

Buildbot Pull Requests

Opened Pull Requests

1997provide error message when suppressionFile does not exist [DO NOT MERGE]
1998make it possible to have waitForFinish callable
2001#3292 - allow gitpoller to view changes in merge commits
2002Large build page
2003Install docs dependencies in setup.py
2005make waitForFinish a renderable
2006Nine: a few doc fixes and code fixes
2007Publish built on Travis docs
2008Remove the getPendingBuildTimes method from base scheduler
2009XXX: PR to check that Travis artifacts works for PR outside Buildbot repo
2010Add support for GitLab OAuth2 authentication
2011check that ShellCommand command in set in constructor
2012Move changes in private API during worker transition to release notes
2013Setup Circle CI to build docs
2014[doc] Numbering sections only down to 4th level
2015Documenation note

Completed Pull Requests

1986relnotes for beta7
1989log SQL queries using Python's logging interface + add default logger
1996improve nine upgrade doc
1999remove docs for nonexisten SlaveProxyObject
2000add link to http://trac.buildbot.net/wiki/Plugins
2004[doc] Numbering sections

Buildbot-Infra Pull Requests

Opened Pull Requests

Completed Pull Requests

118switch back to using master branch at nine.buildbot.net
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