Weekly Meeting

Buildbot has weekly meetings via irc, held at 16:30 UTC on Tuesdays. That is about 90 minutes from now!

Meetings are in #buildbot on Freenode, open to any and all participants. They generally focus on organizational, rather than technical issues, but are open to anything Buildbot-related. To raise a topic, add it to "All Other Business" in the agenda, or just speak up during the meeting.

Meeting minutes are available here.

Trac Tickets

New/Reopened Tickets

3519defectMetabuildbot failing to build Buildbot
3521undecidedInheritBuildParameter and WorkerChoiceParameter API are using status api
3522defectGerrit Reporter summaryCB does not accept deferreds
3523defectDo not output pickles
3524defectdebug mode in wamp is broken
3525defectFix customisations.rst
3526undecidedConfigure warning and errorpatterns on all steps
3527undecidedassert error on wamp realm

Closed Tickets

3061defectlogs are displayed without HTML escaping
3460defectNine: Web fails to load force scheduler if the name has a space in it
3462undecidedbrowser doesn't reconnect to master if connection is broken and show empty results instead of errors
3472defectwhen restarting: too many SQL variables
3475defectcollapseRequests option does not work
3477defectForceScheduler's parameters have obsolete documentation
3507undecidedsupy meeting notes index has invalid links
3520defectuse fine grained require for twisted modules in setup.py

Buildbot Pull Requests

Opened Pull Requests

2123minimal patch to not write pickle in the master's basedir
2124replace fiximport by isort
2125worker.openstack: Support novaclient 3.x
2126Update buildsummary directive to display reason of the build.
2127Bump angularjs dependencies
2128fix documentation for collapseBuildRequest callback
2129fix schedulers page unwrapped elements
2130Start using a non-global reactor.
2131Fix `trial -j`.
2133add section about buildbot-worker to slave/worker transition docs
2134remove master-related stuff from buildbot-worker logwatcher
2135release notes for pending worker changes
2136POC e2e test
2137install master[tls] extras on AppVeyor to fix service_identity module warning
2138Run Sphinx' linkcheck on Travis + fix incorrect links
2139Use sphinxcontrib-spelling to check docs spelling
2140Gitlab reporter

Completed Pull Requests

2111REVERTME: hack to reload the window if the websocket is disconnected
2112fix validate.sh to use command instead of which
2114ansicodes and html escaping in logs
2115Fix Appveyor build
2116Sort builders by name in the builders page
2117Upgrade minimum twisted version to 14.0.
2118Set vim filetype, not syntax.
2119Fix issue builds and buildrequest display
2120fix forcescheduler documentation
2122Allow gerrit reporter callbacks to be deferred
2132don't remove SLAVEPASS from environment by default in buildbot-worker

Buildbot-Infra Pull Requests

Opened Pull Requests

Completed Pull Requests

121Update mkindex.sh to handle dirpath being '.'
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