
I have written a DSL page as a starting point for the DSL documentation.
The page currently shows the languages and the functions.

Then for each function there is a detail page. I have written documentation for the from, convertBodyTo and a template page for functions.
Could you have a look on the pages and give some feedback?

I am not yet sure about several things:

- How to write the syntax for java and spring? I have experimented with [] for optionality and <> for symbolic names. - Should for describe the parameters separately for java and spring? Normally I think the parameters are the same but sometimes you have to use them differently. - Should we show the next possible set of functions in the builder pattern. So for example in the configure of Routebuilder you have a set of functions. Inside a route you have a different set. We could structure the functions in the dsl page by this. Then for each function page there could be a link to a page that lists the set that is possible after thiss function

Any suggestions?



Claus Ibsen schrieb:
On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 9:56 PM, Hadrian Zbarcea <hzbar...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Christian,

You have a point there :).

I personally like the wiki as a documentation tool and I like even more your
offer to help :).  You have enough karma to start this on the wiki.
Yeah there is a DSL page that can be used as starting point. Or create
a new wiki page.

Basically most of the DSL is in the ProcessorDefiniton class, that
covers 80+% of the DSL we have.
Then there are some specific DSL per type that is on the xxxDefinition.

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