Just in case others are trying it in karaf; we just hit an issue deploying
hawtio in jboss; so have made 'hawtio-osgi' for deploying hawtio in OSGi
containers; then 'hawtio-web.war' works out of the box in Tomcat, Jetty,

So the command line is now this until we cut a release:


If in doubt check out the instructions on the home page; we'll try to keep
them up to date...

On 27 January 2013 18:43, Christian Müller <christian.muel...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi James (and all others involved creating this product)!
> Congrats for this product. It looks awesome (without having the time to go
> into the details until now). I wish you success with it.
> At present, I think the best is to let the project grow up at GitHub and
> see whether it will get a solid user basis (I bet it will). If it has
> success and you want donate to Apache, I think a new TLP is the best place
> (after going through the incubator), because it is so generic (supports
> different runtime environments, supports different projects, ...).
> If I understand it correct, Hawtio is shipt by default with a Camel
> plugin, right?
> This means if we want to improve this plugin, we have to submit a
> patch/pull request (or forge it), right?
> Which features you figured out are still missing?
> By the way, I couldn't install it into Karaf 2.3.0. I followed your
> instructions by editing org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg (shouldn't be the url
> https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots instead of
> https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots=sonatype.snapshot.repo?).
> I got the following output:
> Christian-Muellers-MacBook-Pro:bin cmueller$ ./karaf clean
> Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
>         __ __                  ____
>        / //_/____ __________ _/ __/
>       / ,<  / __ `/ ___/ __ `/ /_
>      / /| |/ /_/ / /  / /_/ / __/
>     /_/ |_|\__,_/_/   \__,_/_/
>   Apache Karaf (2.3.0)
> Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands
> and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
> Hit '<ctrl-d>' or 'osgi:shutdown' to shutdown Karaf.
> karaf@root> features:install war
> karaf@root> install mvn:io.hawt/hawtio-web/1.0-SNAPSHOT/war
> Bundle IDs:
> Error executing command: Error installing bundles:
>     Unable to install bundle mvn:io.hawt/hawtio-web/1.0-SNAPSHOT/war
> Best,
> Christian
> On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 10:59 AM, James Strachan <james.strac...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> For the impatient just look here :) http://hawt.io/
>> Background
>> ==========
>> We've had numerous consoles all over the place for some time in
>> various projects like Felix, Karaf, ActiveMQ, Camel, Tomcat, Fuse
>> Fabric to name but a few. Many of them quite heavy weight requiring a
>> custom web app to be deployed (which often is quite large); none
>> particularly working together.
>> We've been working on Fuse Fabric and its management console to
>> provide a more consolidated view of a cluster of Apache integration &
>> middleware technologies. Increasingly we're seeing our users and
>> customers using different combinations of technologies in different
>> containers (e.g. Tomcat + ActiveMQ or Karaf + Camel or Fuse Fabric +
>> Karaf + ActiveMQ + Camel or whatever).
>> So for a few months a few of us have been working on trying to make
>> the various web consoles for things like Apache Camel, ActiveMQ,
>> Felix/Karaf/OSGi & Fuse Fabric (long with more generic things like JMX
>> & OSGi) available as lightweight HTML5 plugins so they can be mixed
>> and matched together to suite any container and combination of
>> technologies that folks deploy in a JVM.
>> hawtio
>> =====
>> The result so far is hawtio: http://hawt.io/
>> You can deploy it as a WAR in any JVM (or feature in karaf) and it
>> provides a UI console for whatever it finds in the JVM. So it works
>> with Tomcat / Jetty / Karaf / JBoss / Fuse Fabric; and has plugins for
>> JMX, OSGi, ActiveMQ, Camel & Fuse Fabric so far with others on the
>> way.
>> The nice thing is its pretty small (about 1Mb WAR containing all the
>> server side code, HTML, JS, images, CSS etc). The only real server
>> side component is jolokia which is a small (about 300K) REST connector
>> for JMX (which is awesome BTW!) - the rest is static content (which
>> could be served from anywhere so doesn't need to be deployed in each
>> JVM).
>> Its based around a plugin architecture:
>> http://hawt.io/developers/plugins.html
>> so its easy to add new plugins for any kind of technology. A plugin is
>> pretty much anything that runs in a browser.
>> The nice thing is hawtio can discover UI plugins at runtime by
>> examining the contents of the JVM or querying REST endpoints; so the
>> UI can update in real time as you deploy new things into a JVM!
>> hawtio, the hawt camel rider
>> ======================
>> A quick summary of the current features for camel folks:
>> * If you have any camel contexts running in a JVM when hawtio starts
>> up it adds an Integration tab which shows all the camel contexts
>> running.
>> * You can start/stop/suspend/resume the context and its routes; then
>> look at all the metrics for routes/endpoints/processors. The Charts
>> tab lets you visualise the real time metrics.
>> * You can create new endpoints; browse endpoints which are browsable &
>> send messages to endpoints (with syntax editing support for JSON / XML
>> / YAML / properties)
>> * You can visualise all the camel routes or a specific camel route for
>> a context in the Diagram tab and see real time metrics of how many
>> messages are passing through each step on the diagram. e.g.
>> https://raw.github.com/hawtio/hawtio/master/website/src/images/screenshots/camelRoute.png
>> * Clicking on a Route allows you to Trace it; when tracing if you send
>> a message into a route then it captures a copy of the message at each
>> point through the route. So you can step through (scroll/click through
>> the table) a route and see the message contents and how the message
>> flows through the EIPs - highlighting where on the diagram each
>> message is. This is very handy for figuring out why your route doesn't
>> work :) Spot where the heading disappears! Or see why the CBR doesn't
>> go where you expected.
>> In general most of the runtime features of the open source Fuse IDE
>> eclipse tooling are now supported in the camel hawtio plugin; so
>> available in a web browser.
>> Summary
>> =======
>> So if you're vaguely interested in web consoles for Apache Camel I
>> urge you to give it a try. We love contributions and feedback!
>> http://hawt.io/contributing/index.html
>> or feel free to raise new issues for how to improve the camel plugin:
>> https://github.com/hawtio/hawtio/issues?labels=camel&page=1&sort=updated&state=open
>> or if you've an itch for a new kind of plugin please dive in! We
>> should be able to expose existing web apps/consoles as links inside
>> hawtio too BTW.
>> Feedback appreciated! Its hawt, but stay cool! ;)
>> --
>> James
>> -------
>> Red Hat
>> Email: jstra...@redhat.com
>> Web: http://fusesource.com
>> Twitter: jstrachan, fusenews
>> Blog: http://macstrac.blogspot.com/
>> Open Source Integration
> --

Red Hat

Email: jstra...@redhat.com
Web: http://fusesource.com
Twitter: jstrachan, fusenews
Blog: http://macstrac.blogspot.com/

Open Source Integration

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