
I'm not sure why you chose camel-cxfrs component to accept the request.
If you just want to process the form, you can use the camel-jetty or 
camel-servlet directly.
It could be more easy to add the basic autentications supports out of box.

Willem Jiang

Red Hat, Inc.
FuseSource is now part of Red Hat
Web: http://www.fusesource.com | http://www.redhat.com
Blog: http://willemjiang.blogspot.com (http://willemjiang.blogspot.com/) 
          http://jnn.iteye.com (http://jnn.javaeye.com/) (Chinese)
Twitter: willemjiang  
Weibo: 姜宁willem

On Wednesday, May 15, 2013 at 11:03 AM, wagnermarques wrote:

> Hello camel riders,
> I would like to share a solution and ask if it was the best aproach.  
> I think it can be util for some one in the future and because is a
> interesting example of integration using camel!
> The use case:
> I have a orbeon forms installed that was configured to: 1) save the form
> date to existdb and 2) after it, send metadata of the form to my camel route
> described below. With the camel route, with the metadate of the form
> submited (using camel-http) the route interact with existdb rest api to get
> the real date of the form.
> Ok, it is a simplification of the use case, because next step is improve it
> with business rules upon form metadata and start a business process deployed
> in apache ode. But start the process from the route is not implemented yet
> and not described here.
> That is the code (sorry for much comments)
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans";
> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
> xmlns:cxf="http://camel.apache.org/schema/cxf";
> xsi:schemaLocation="
> http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans
> http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
> http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring
> http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring/camel-spring.xsd
> http://camel.apache.org/schema/cxf
> http://camel.apache.org/schema/cxf/camel-cxf.xsd";>
> <cxf:rsServer id="rsRestServices_OrbeonServer"
> address="http://localhost:18181/orbeonservice";
> serviceClass="br.edu.fzlbpms.service.orbeon.ControllerService" />
> <camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring";>
> <route id="FZLBPMS_CAMEL_ROUTE___cxfrs_bean_rsRestServices_OrbeonServer">
> <from uri="cxfrs:bean:rsRestServices_OrbeonServer" />
> <setBody>
> <constant>""</constant>
> </setBody>
> <to uri="Handle_App_e_FormTitle_camming_from_orbeonformPROCESSOR"/>
> <setHeader headerName="CamelHttpUri">
> <simple>
> http://localhost:8282/exist/rest/db/orbeon/fr/${header.fzlbpms_orbeon_app}/${header.fzlbpms_orbeon_form}/data/${header.fzlbpms_orbeon_dataId}/data.xml?bridgeEndpoint=true
> </simple>
> </setHeader>  
> <inOut uri="http://doesnt.matter.we/override/it/anyways"; />  
> </route>
> </camelContext>
> <bean id="messageInspectProcessor"
> class="br.edu.fzlbpms.service.orbeon.MessageInspectProcessor" />
> <bean id="Handle_App_e_FormTitle_camming_from_orbeonformPROCESSOR"
> class="br.edu.fzlbpms.service.orbeon.Pega_dados_do_formularioPROCESSOR" />
> <bean id="BuildResponseProcessor"
> class="br.edu.fzlbpms.service.orbeon.BuildResponseProcessor" />
> </beans>
> This processor is important to distinct what data is camming from witch form
> by filling the values of the headers:
> ${header.fzlbpms_orbeon_app}
> ${header.fzlbpms_orbeon_form}
> ${header.fzlbpms_orbeon_dataId}
> public class Pega_dados_do_formularioPROCESSOR implements Processor{
> public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
> String camelHttpQuery =
> (String)exchange.getIn().getHeader("CamelHttpQuery");
> //app=existapp&form=existappform1&document=c757e862848cf9cc2e170d9325a1fc94c282a8e4
> String[] split = camelHttpQuery.split("&");
> //app=existapp
> String[] appParam = split[0].split("=");
> String app = appParam[1];
> String[] formParam = split[1].split("=");
> String form = formParam[1];
> String[] dataParam = split[2].split("=");
> String dataId = dataParam[1];
> System.out.println("\n\n");
> System.out.println(app);
> System.out.println(form);
> System.out.println(dataId);
> exchange.getIn().setHeader("fzlbpms_orbeon_app", app);
> exchange.getIn().setHeader("fzlbpms_orbeon_form", form);
> exchange.getIn().setHeader("fzlbpms_orbeon_dataId", dataId);
> }
> }
> I still have several problems and doubts, like basic autentications for
> example, but for now I just would like to share and to ask about if it was a
> good aproach of this kind of integration (if it is relevant in some sense).
> Thanks,
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://camel.465427.n5.nabble.com/Sharing-a-solution-for-discussion-tp5732560.html
> Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com 
> (http://Nabble.com).

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