Elaborating on Claus' answer. The XSLT processor tries to resolve the XSLT
In OSGI words, it has to resolve a package "test" which contains the
resource test.xsl. 

Though exporting the package "test" would probably work, I would strongly
recommend to have 
better qualified package names to avoid name clashes in exports.
Especially generically named
packages like "test" or "sample" may very well lead into a world of pain
(been there). 

Once you go about exporting packages, think what you want / need to expose
to other bundles. 
I always keep my internal stuff in a package ending in ".internal" and
have configured my builds
not to export something that matches this pattern.

Good luck 

Am 7/16/13(29) 9:29 AM schrieb "Claus Ibsen" unter <claus.ib...@gmail.com>:

>If the xsl file is in the classpath of your own bundle, then you need
>to export this package. Looks like you put it in a test package.
>On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 9:27 AM, Cristiano Costantini
><cristiano.costant...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I must update my previous question:
>> velocity in facts works fine, it is just xslt which causing issues!
>> My test route is in fact:
>> <route id="testRoute">
>> <from uri="timer://myTimer?period=5000" />
>> <setBody>
>> <constant>Foo</constant>
>> </setBody>
>> <to uri="velocity://test/test.vm" />
>> <to uri="xslt://test/test.xsl" />
>> <to uri="log:foo" />
>> </route>
>> the velocity: endpoint works, it is the xslt: which fail...
>> I'm able to run it if I use the full path for just the XSL file:
>> <route id="testRoute">
>> <from uri="timer://myTimer?period=5000" />
>> <setBody>
>> <constant>Foo</constant>
>> </setBody>
>> <to uri="velocity://test/test.vm" />
>> <to
>> />
>> <to uri="log:foo" />
>> </route>
>> Anyone has any suggestion on how to address this problem?
>> My only suspect is that when I run from eclipse a simple java class
>>with a
>> main(String[] args) method where I start a
>> where it works, and when I deploy on OSGi, I'm actually using two
>> XSLT processors, but I'm not sure how to debug it...
>> thank you again,
>> Cristiano
>> 2013/7/16 Cristiano Costantini <cristiano.costant...@gmail.com>
>>> Hello,
>>> I just tried to deploy my camel routes into an OSGi environment
>>> (ServiceMix).
>>> I've made a simple maven project with just resources (the beans.xml,
>>> and .vm files),
>>> however the XSLT and Velocity endpoints cannot find the associated
>>>files (
>>> with exception "Failed to resolve endpoint: xslt://testTransform.xsl
>>> to: java.io.FileNotFoundException: Cannot find resource in classpath
>>> URI: testTransform.xsl").
>>> If I run the route locally (in a simple java console application)
>>> everything works fine.
>>> Anyone has experience on this type of deployment and can give me some
>>> Thank you,
>>> Cristiano
>Claus Ibsen
>Red Hat, Inc.
>Email: cib...@redhat.com
>Twitter: davsclaus
>Blog: http://davsclaus.com
>Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen

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