On 08/26/13 16:43, Christian Posta wrote:
At the moment, there is a filtering writer that camel uses by default, and
unfortunately it's not configurable at the moment. If you open a JIRA i
will get a patch for you to make it configurable.

Hey thanks. I will open a ticket in Jira. But I need a solution til the end of the week. So I think I have to create an own Dataformat definition as workaround now.


as JAXB does not escape special characters when marshaling, there exists a
solution to use a special EscapingXMLStreamWriter (see
I used this in combination with org.apache.commons.lang.**StringEscapeUtils
to replace the strings.

But I do not know how to replace the XMLStreamWriter used by
JaxbDataFormat with my implementation. Is there a way to tell the
JaxbDataFormat to use my EscapingXMLStreamWriter when marshaling?

The only other solution I could image is to define a Converter for the
data field and call it via the bindings.xjb. But that is just a workaround.

Hmm this does not work. The converted string is escaped then twice with the result, that the '&' is replaced again by '&amp;'

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