
Looks like you're trying to read the stream twice, try again after enabling

[1] http://camel.apache.org/stream-caching.html


On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 11:25 AM, <radek_kr...@centrum.cz> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am playing with "bean binding" on bean component. I know, that I can
> solve my requirements by another way.
> But anyway I think, that my "syntetic" example doesn't work how I expect
> (I tested it with Camel 2.11.2, 2.12.1).
> I have a "streamBodyBindingBean" bean with this method:
> public void bodyBinding(InputStream in) throws IOException {
>   int byteCount = 0;
>   int c;
>   while((c = in.read()) != -1)
>     byteCount++;
>   System.out.println("ByteCount: " + byteCount);
> }
> And this route:
> <route id="" trace="true">
>   <from uri="direct://body-input-stream-binding-in"/>
>   <to uri="bean://streamBodyBindingBean?method=bodyBinding(${body})"/>
>   <!-- to uri="bean://isBodyBindingBean"/-->
>   <to uri="mock://body-input-stream-binding-out"/>
> </route>
> Here is a way how I send exchange from test stuff:
> ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(
>   "Small body, which I want to bind as InputStream".getBytes("UTF-8")
> );
> Exchange exchange = createExchangeWithBody(in);
> exchange.getIn().setHeader("testHeader", "testHeader");
> exchange.setPattern(ExchangePattern.InOnly);
> template.send("direct://body-input-stream-binding-in", exchange);
> In this case I got a sysout message: "ByteCount: 0".
> When I used the commented variant in route, I got expected result:
> "ByteCount: 47",  => is it an ${body} evaluation problem?
> I think that the reason is MethodInfo class, line 526 (with strange
> comment for me):
> // the parameter value was not already valid, but since the simple
> language have evaluated the expression
> // which may change the parameterValue, so we have to check it again to
> see if its now valid
> exp = exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().convertTo(String.class,
> parameterValue);
> // String values from the simple language is always valid
> if (!valid) {
>   ...
> }
> The line after "strange" comment caused that my "InputStream" is
> transformed into String (what can be a problem in case of "big"
> InputStream).
> The question is, why this line isn't in "if(!valid)" block? I am unable to
> decide, if it is a problem, which should be reported to JIRA or
> I only don't understand how bean binding should work or if I have only
> "stupid/incorrect" example.
> This i a reason, why I ask first here.
> Thank you for any feedback.
> Radek Kraus.

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