Using Camel 2.10.3

My question: What is the best way to consume msgs from multiple
brokers/queues and feed those messages through a single route?


I currently consume from an activemq broker.  I have several different
routes that consume messages from different queues on that broker.  Now, the
admins have updated to a network of brokers.  

The producers of the messages are using failover (there are only two brokers
at the moment).  Because those producers could place msgs on either broker,
I want to check both brokers (I had a past issue on a different project
where the producers failed over briefly and sent msgs to the backup that
were never consumed even though I was using a failover url.  My solution at
the time was to always check/consume from both primary and backup - ignoring
failover - using a second activemq config to the secondary broker).

My problem is that now I have many routes and I want msgs from either the
primary or backup jms queue to propagate through those routes without having
to duplicate the route for each broker.  For example, I DONT want to do this
for each route (my actual routes are more complex than these):

    <from uri="activemq:queue:Queue1"/>
    <bean ref="MyBean" method="evaluate"/>
    <to uri="direct:processit"/>

    <from uri="activemq2:queue:Queue1"/>
    <bean ref="MyBean" method="evaluate"/>
    <to uri="direct:processit"/>

I realize I could make the route above a direct route and then consume from
each broker and send to it, but this still seems ugly:

    <from uri="direct_activemq_Queue1/>
    <bean ref="MyBean" method="evaluate"/>
    <to uri="direct:processit"/>

    <from uri="activemq1:queue:Queue1"/>
    <to uri="direct:direct_activemq_Queue1"/>

    <from uri="activemq2:queue:Queue1"/>
    <to uri="direct:direct_activemq_Queue1"/>

I've considered combining into a single in-memory queue, but I've never done
that before and would worry about robustness of the queue (I can't lose any

What is the smart way to do this?

Thanks very much for any insight!


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