You can create the InitialContext the standard JEE way and have it
integrate with the JBoss AS.
Not sure how you do that, but in old days, it was all that initial
context factory and hashtable options you needed to configure.

Also you can have a in the root classpath that has
these settings.

Though just doing a new InitialContext in the WAR of the JBoss AS
should maybe integrate it out of the box.

Then its just using those jndi naming when you refer to the services
from the registry.

There should be api on Camel\s JndiRegistry to bind.

Not sure if you can do it from InitialContext or from some standard
Java Naming API.

On Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 7:13 AM, kraythe . <> wrote:
> I am running my Camel routes packaged as a WAR in JBoss (Actually EAP 6.1.1
> which is JBossAS 7.2 I believe) which is a departure from what I am used to
> with Servicemix and so on. So I was wondering about the JNDI registry in
> light of the application server. Does the registry integrate with the JNDI
> of the application server? If it is then I should be able to bind things
> into the JNDI of the server and look them up in the camel registry.
> If they are separate then that brings up another question. Why are my
> ActiveMQ routes able to find the connection factory configured in my app
> server when I havent copied them to the camel registry or set the
> connection factory in my component? Is it because I use default settings
> for ActiveMQ and its connection over configuration?
> Although that might work its problematic for pooling resources. Would I be
> able to look up the connection factory in my initial context in the app
> server and then hand it to AMQ component or perhaps put it in the registry
> where AMQ can find it? Ditto for Data sources configured in the app server.
> Thanks in advance.
> *Robert Simmons Jr. MSc. - Lead Java Architect @ EA*
> *Author of: Hardcore Java (2003) and Maintainable Java (2012)*
> *LinkedIn: **
> <>*

Claus Ibsen
Red Hat, Inc.
Twitter: davsclaus
Author of Camel in Action:

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