I should add here that I want to log the result, so I have something like:

<camel:log message="Message received with action
[${in.header.SOAPAction}], operation [${in.header.operationName}],
with GRH [${in.headers[soap.header.globalRequestHeader].getRegion()}]"
loggingLevel="INFO" />

But even with the following:

<camel:setHeader headerName="test">

I still get the raw XML instead of the value of the region property.
It basically seems that what I want isn't possible, and that even
thinking about using SOAP headers here was a terrible idea, given the
amount of pain it's caused me.


- Andrew

On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 7:50 PM, Andrew Thorburn <nzi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been having a bunch of trouble trying to do something that seems
> like it should be really simple... Using Camel 2.10.7 on ServiceMix
> 4.5.2.
> Basically, I'm sending a SOAP message, which contains a SOAP header
> that looks like this:
>       <uri:globalRequestHeader region="?" version="?">
>          <requestDateTime>?</requestDateTime>
>          <uniqueId>?</uniqueId>
>          <targetSystem>?</targetSystem>
>       </uri:globalRequestHeader>
> Camel takes the bean from a CXF Endpoint in Payload format, and then
> adds the SOAP headers to the Exchange Headers. In this case, the SOAP
> header is being marshalled via JAXB before being added to the Exchange
> Headers (so it's put into the headers as an object).
> I now have a com.test.GlobalRequestHeader object in my exchange
> headers, and want to access the property region, say.
> How do I do this?
> I've tried ${headerAs(soap.header.globalRequestHeader,
> com.test.GlobalRequestHeader).region} and that doesn't work. I've
> tried a bunch of other ways of doing in via Simple, and it just does
> not work. Checking TRACE logs, I see that it's always being converted
> to a String, instead of having methods called on it, which is a bit
> strange. Is it possible that the fact that it's a JAXB-annotated class
> is interfering with the Simple language somehow?
> I can definitely access the header, because I see the XML being
> written out to the log, but I don't want the goddamn XML, I want the
> value of the property. But no matter how I try, all I see in the log
> is the header objected converted to XML, not the value of the
> property.
> I have tried the following expressions:
> [${headerAs(soap.header.globalRequestHeader,
> com.test.GlobalRequestHeader).getRegion()}]
> [${headerAs(soap.header.globalRequestHeader,
> com.test.GlobalRequestHeader).region}]
> [${in.headers[soap.header.globalRequestHeader].region}]
> [${in.headers[soap.header.globalRequestHeader].getRegion()}]
> The first two put out XML in the log. The second two put out null /
> the empty string.
> I really hope I'm missing something, because it doesn't seem like it
> should be this hard to access a single property on a header object.
> The alternative, I guess, would be to pipe the object through another
> processor and set all the properties as individual headers, which
> seems a bit absurd, frankly.
> Thanks,
> - Andrew

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